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Showing posts from March, 2018

Life Update: 2018 Birthday Post

I was unsure about the idea of writing a birthday post this year because it's not very timely till I checked the posts of the last 2 years - 2016  and 2017 - and I realized they both went up on the 17th of March, 3 days after my birthday so why not continue the trend? Unlike the previous years, this was quite uneventful as I was in transit for some time, traveling to school to get stuff submitted and then rounding everything off pretty late so that I was unable to travel back home that same day. I had no extra clothing or toiletries so that was annoying but I pulled through nevertheless. I have a ritual of getting myself something but so far, I've not really seen what I'm interested in. A God sent person got me a book I've been looking to get my hands on for quite some time now and I was too happyyy! I'm definitely going to update this post with pictures of it later on. I'm really excited and looking forward to all what God has in store for me thi

A Literary Conversation | FEBRUARY

Don't you just love how February flew by quickly? I definitely do and it came with lots of fun and of course, reading.. It feels just like yesterday when I published this POST  on the books I read in January and now it's time to write about the ones in February. As there's only 28 days in February, I actually thought I'd be able to complete only 3 books but I'm typing this on the 26th day and I was able to go through 5 books! It however isn't in the numbers but in how each book eventually makes one a better person. Enough digression, I initially planned to read mature romance novels because month of love but after the way the first book I read made me feel, I changed course immediately and went on to read other genres touching topics ranging from racism, colonialism to holocaust stories to a young adult medical fiction and even a children's storybook! 1. STILL ME - Jojo Moyes If you've seen the movie 'Me Before You' or read the book,