If you've read about me , you'd know I love to read almost anything. I'm not a bibliophile tho. I'm getting there. I just enjoy being lost in a book and tasking my brain trying to get the perfect picture the writer is trying to create. I'll never understand why I quickly and deeply fall in love with fictional characters. All it just takes is for us to have something in common or for me to have gone through a similar struggle he/she is going through. Sidney Sheldon's If Tomorrow Comes is a very special book to me because it's like the first ever novel I'd read on my phone. I used to be a sucker for hard copies but now, anything goes. Photo Credit: Google Introduction aside, let me go to the reason this post is up. Tracy Amazing Whitney! She's one of those characters you just find yourself rooting for whether they're doing good or bad. In this case, Tracy was a good girl turned bad. You know the 'When life gives you lemon, make lemonades