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Yaay! Let's get it started!

For some days now, I've been racking my brain on what a first blog post should look like. It's a personal blog, a freestyle thing and all that but still, I kept racking my brain.
I finally decided to just pick up my pen and write whatever comes to me.
So, looking around me, I can't find anything to inspire a write-up. I picked up a souvenir from a company and their Mission Statement reads "We commit ourselves to people over things" and as I was about to question it, I remembered a message I once listened to. I ruminated on it and there and then, I decided it was worth sharing.
I can't recollect the topic of the message but I do remember some part of it. The two major points I can remember are "You don't stumble into your future, you create it." and "Be person oriented not things oriented". Deep I must say.
I wish I still have the message but life happened so I don't. I'm just going to write down the way I interpreted it to myself and how I feel almost everyone can relate.
We all have that dream asset; cars, positions, apartments and the likes. Why not let all these chase you and not the other way round? For example, you work in a multimillionaire company and there's this position everyone 'longthroats' for including you. Why don't you put that position aside first and work on yourself. Work towards having all the requirements expected of whoever is to occupy that office. Before long, the Board of directors or whoever is in charge will notice you even before you voice out your interest.
Work on yourself, do the right things and it'll only be natural that you possess the latest car and you live in an area that houses the creme de la creme of the society.
"Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are "- Bill Gates
Let's endeavour not to be slaves to materials but rather be their masters. The speaker used himself as an example when he said he was just doing his own thing ; speaking, touching lives and all that when fame came after him. He said if his main objective had been just to make money, he'd have given up way too early. Of course, he wanted to make money but his love for what he was doing was greater than that of money so giving up wasn't an option.
Ugh, it's really been long I listened to the message and it would have been way better if I could quote some of the speaker's salient points. Nevertheless, I know someone reading this gets the message I'm trying to pass across.
Okay, so that's it! My first blog post. I'll like to know what you feel about the whole person and things oriented thingy. Your comment means a lot to me. Thanks. xxx.
"Don't wait to feel powerful or confident. Move ahead in your weakness doing the right thing despite your fears and feelings". __


  1. Lovely and inspirational piece for a first blog post, makes me remember "I can't just get better one time, I'm getting better, I'm getty better..."

    Never knew you could write so good, but well 1st to comment on your blog (for future purpose).

  2. An inspiring article for someone like me...Nice one..✌✌

    I might not be the one to comment first but i'm MMI Diary number one fan...

  3. Lol. I'm glad it helped. Thanks Ibk

  4. Awesome piece ✌.. Absolutely nice

  5. You are off to a great start! Keep writing and experimenting, and you will find what resonates with you best.

  6. You write so good. Trust, I'm coming back to build a house here. Lol.

    Lovely blog.

    1. Aww. Thanks so
      much Amaka.
      Thank you!
      You're welcome

  7. And here it is "In the beginning....Sumitan created a Work of art piece marking the foundation on which all other write up will lay on... " Wonderful dear.


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