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10 Reasons You Might Be Breaking Out.

When I wrote this post for  HERE, I didn't think I'd be publishing it on my blog so soon because well as I said in this POST, I finally developed skincare routine. Life happened, I got lazy and I suddenly woke up to massive break out one fateful day. It wasn't exactly that time of the month thingy.
This selfie does no justice, actually but you can still see the 'bumps' without zooming. 
 It's just my punishment for being frugal with my face cleanser because it became more expensive and many other skincare routine mistakes I've been making. So, if you've been cleansing, exfoliating and all and still breaking out, this post is for you (us). Let's dig in

1. You carry out your routine without washing your hands first. This is a No, No. From touching your cellphone to your doorknob and all those fomites, your hand carries numerous bacteria so just make sure you wash your hands first before washing your face. 

2. Your hand is always all over your face - Or maybe your friend's. You know that 'Oh my God, you look so good, let me touch your cheeks' friend. Yes, all those germs on your face makes everything worse. 

3. You overexfoliate/overcleanse - Ah yes, I used to be guilty of this one until I saw the light. Scrubbing harder and harder thinking those spots would go faster not knowing I'm only drying out my skin. And then after the furious scrubbing, the skin has to compensate by secreting more oil. Oil you were trying to reduce in the first instance. Go mild with your cleansing and exfoliating. 

4. You sleep with makeup on - This is where I went wrong. I don't wash my face because I felt since I didn't even rub powder, why bother? Really, no matter how mild the makeup you're wearing is, you should never go to bed  without getting rid of all the dust and dirt that have accumulated on your face during the day. 

5. You use sponge on your face - Sponge is a No No too. Most sponges are too hard for your face especially the very sensitive skin under your eye. Dump your body sponge and go for your clean hands instead. 

6. You purchase your beauty products on impulse - Strut confidently to the beauty department of that store, bring out your phone and check out the major ingredients. Don't buy a cleanser or an exfoilant containing Salicylic Acid just because you like the sound of it. Don't buy a toner containing alcohol. It would dry out your face. Better still, walk into the store knowing what and what you're looking for in a product. Don't pick randomly. Don't! 

7. You use expired makeup products -  Expired products are as bad for your skin as they are for your digestive system. Get them in the garbage can! 

8. After washing, you clean with a dirty towel - Baby girl, Nooo. Don't put all that dirt back onto your face. Get a towel specifically for your face and make sure to wash it frequently. 

9. You neglect the adequate diet part - The role of fruits and vegetables cannot be overemphasised. They contain antioxidants that help to counteract the action of free radicals in the body. You really are what you eat. Eat less of fatty foods. Spinach, Oranges, Lemon, Pineapple, Cucumber and many others aid the glowing of your skin. 

10. You don't drink enough water -  I know, I know. You probably didn't expect this but what can we do without good old water? Nothing, absolutely nothing so drink up girl, drink up! 

 My sub is majorly No 4 and I'm really trying to reduce No 2. Which of these are you guilty of? What's your skincare routine like? Mine is Cleanse, Exfoliate and Moisturize. Do you break out? What's the major cause of your break out? What other acts do you think cause breaking out generally? Let's discuss! 

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  1. A few subs for me here. One more: I got an eyebrow wax at the weekend and broke out so bad in that region. Annoying!

    1. Ouch. Sorry about that.
      Thanks for reading 💓

  2. Points are legit and your face is not bad at all, if you had seen my face when I started breaking out seriously, girl you'll thank Jah, might share pictures soon

    Your points are legit especially with washing with hands and getting a face towel, water too and fruits! 😊

    1. They were really big
      bumps but thanks.
      Yes, share pictures.

  3. Face ain't bad at all, its natural for changes and we all go through such. You are the first person ever to read or hear sleep with nakeup. At night, let everything on your fade get washed away and sleep with your natural face. Its healthier for the face too

  4. I used to hate drinking water but since I started the water therapy thingy, my face has been smooth like bottle you would feel like touching it but hey! I don't allow that either

    1. Aww really. I need
      to up my drinking
      water game. Thanks for reading

  5. Thanks for dropping by at mine

  6. Even if i failed in all, i have never been guilty going to bed with makeup at least for as long as i can remember. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I'm guilty of using my body towel for my face. Very bad habit that I've been trying so hard to stop.I don't like face cleansers one bit. I prefer exfoliating with a scrub once or twice in a week and I'm okay. As for water, I've upped my game and I think I'm doing pretty well in that department. Thanks for sharing.

    Evita In Progress

    1. Aww why? Had a bad
      experience with one?
      Exfoliating is really
      good too! I need
      to up my water
      game mehn. Thanks

  8. To think I wrote about this just recently.. Ola I'm so with you on this! Chai, breakouts and blemishes can cause a lot of discomfort and lack of self confidence I tell u and as we age, we need to adapt to a skin care routine and be religious wit it.

    1. Off to check your blog!
      I'm with you on
      this too! Thanks
      for leaving me
      a comment.

  9. I love this post, my face got so much better the moment I started using a dedicated special soft cloth to wipe my face instead of my towel....

    Independence Day Inspired HeadWrap – Nigeria At 56! 

    1. Hey Dami,thanks
      for reading. I
      noticed just subtle
      changes with
      mine, maybe
      because it's
      not so soft?
      Thanks for the
      love. 😃😃

  10. Very informative article! Thanks.

  11. I love this post. I can so relate. When I started breaking out, I realized I was using sponge on my face.

    Wisdom is indeed the principal thing.

    1. Aww, I guess we
      all did at some
      point. Especially
      those of us with

  12. I'm guilty of sleeping with makeup especially when I'm lazy or too tired but in my defense I wear really light makeup that usually comes of during the course of the day.
    Princess Audu

    1. Lool. My sub
      right there.
      If I'm not
      being lazy, I'm
      thinking about
      managing the
      face cleanser
      which I always
      regret cause I
      eventually splurge
      it on when I break

  13. Great points there.... especially the last one.
    What you take in is just as important as what you apply on your face.

  14. Hi Olaitan,

    Lol... I read this post with guilt written all over my face. Numbers 9 and 10 are my biggest offense, I don't drink enough water and eat somewhat carelessly. I need to make a conscious effort because I'm fair skinned and pimple spots are not pleasant at all.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. :-)

    1. Pimple spots
      are annoyinggg.
      I don't take enough
      water too and I have a
      sweet tooth. We're both
      guilty. Thanks for

  15. Hey Olaitan, these are great pointers. Sorry you are breaking out right now. Pele. At some point or another, I have been guilty of everything mentioned here. Thankfully, though, my skin is better than it has been in a long time, and I think it's because I've been eating better, and being consistent with a regimen with good products. I still break out, but for the most part, my skin is clear. Looking forward to tackling the acne specifically. My regimen is all-natural, and I worry that Clearasil or any of these drugstore products could mess up the balance I'm enjoying.

    1. Natural products are
      the best but I could be really impatient
      so I go for the store
      cleansers and I'm
      quite choosy with which
      I use. Thanks for
      sharing and

  16. Salicylic acid. Just learnt something new. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I'm so guilty of Nos. 1,2,4,5,9 -__- . Really love the tips.

    1. Thanks dear.
      A part of me
      tells me I'm
      guilty of 9
      too. Lol

  18. Girrrl I used to make most of these mistakes until I broke out like crazy. These days I let my face air dry and I try not to cleanse my sensitive parts of my face too often. This was really helpful coz I probably need to toss my foundation. I've had it for the longest time

    1. Yaay, make sure
      you toss it in the
      bin. Lol. I think
      I need to toss my
      Mascara too. Sigh

  19. It's best washing ur face before going to bed at night. It improve smooth face. I think so, do u agree?

  20. It's best washing ur face before going to bed at night. It improve smooth face. I think so, do u agree?

  21. It's another one! Yet for the ladies.. When is our guy skin care write up going to be available noow??😟😟 that I can know how to properly discipline all those stubborn spots on my head.. ..Still waiting on It...


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