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Least favorite things about being sick

This is a totally random post. Words were forming too much in my head and even though I know it's not much to blog about, I remembered one of the reasons I started blogging - to reduce the story forming rate in my mind- and decided to type and post it afterall.
I generally hate everything about sickness but being under the weather for few days last week made me remember every one of the reasons.

1. Smell of drugs: Makes me nauseous and I'm sure everyone can relate. Then, there's always the tendency to throw it up which is why injection is bae. Immediately I got injection, I felt really better.

2. The general helplessness : Having to depend on others for almost everything. It isn't fresh.

3. The pain, tears that lead to headache : I'm one of those people who cry cause of illness. We know crying worsens everything but we really can't help it. The doctor asked me why I was crying, I gave her the honest answer that I didn't know and she found it funny.

4. Having to inconvenience others : Because helpless and we all need a caregiver when we are sick. On the day I fell really sick, 3 of my friends missed a class.

5. Trying to remember what it feels like to be fit as a fiddle with the constant headache : While someone was trying to tell me that she can't remember what it feels like to have malaria, I was trying hard to remember what it feels like to not have bodyache and general tiredness.

6. Vain or not, not being able to carry out skincare routine properly : I'm not even vain but this had to make the list. It was impossible to wash my face at night because I'd rather use that energy to eat so I had to depend on coconut oil and wipes which kind of helped. That's a beauty hack right there.

7. Lagging behind on the blog front : I don't want to believe I'm playing the blame game but I couldn't even finish up the post I was going to publish and I couldn't promote my posts. A little confession however is that school work is way too stressful so maybe, just maybe I might not still have done this in any case.

8. Piling up of school notes : One of the most annoying on this list because piled up notes aren't pretty and tests can come anytime. Personally, getting myself to read after a long hiatus is more stressful than anything.

9. Spending way more than what was budgeted for : Thankfully, no hospital bills were incurred but money that wasn't supposed to be spent on sickness was spent.

I honestly thought I wouldn't have up to 5 things to list but look at me forcing myself to stop at 9. Sometimes, the illness comes without any form of warning and sometimes, it does warn us. In my case, I had being seeing symptoms of a typical malaria case but I chose to ignore it and use only PCM when it became unbearable because 1). I refused to listen to my mum when she kept telling me not to leave home without antimalaria drugs and 2). I had so many commitments and I didn't want to spend extra money on drugs that I'd probably not use but heyy just take a look at No 9. Prevention is always better than cure, people.

Is it weird that I enjoyed writing this post? I think list posts are always fun.

What's your least favorite thing about being sick? .
I was going to rephrase that and say "Most annoying thing about being sick" but some people actually have a few favorite things about being sick like all the attention, care and food. Lol. So, what's yours?
Are you more of a drug or injection person? And why
What are your personal rituals during sickness to hasten good health? For some people, it's seeing movies, reading books or even eating. I'm not even sure if I have one but thinking about the things I'm missing helps.
I always want to hear from you. Kindly leave me your thoughts. xxxx


  1. Lovely post. They say "Health is wealth." But guess what? Health is more important than wealth. A rich person can afford various luxuries of life such as a big car, large house, costly accessories, air-conditioners, etc. But, only if he is only if he is healthy can he enjoy these luxuries.

    Health is a great treasure. A blessing.

    There is really nothing more "favourable" about being sick except maybe, the personal understanding of knowing God as a Healer thereafter.

  2. Awww...hope you're feeling much more better. I cry when I'm ill because of the drugs I have to take and injection is bae any day! I enjoy all the attention, care and food that I can't even! Thank God for good health and the ability to recover well.

    Evita In Progress

  3. Thank you are feeling better now.
    For ne, injection is bae and as much as I hate being sick I actually enjoy all the love and attention I get from family and friends. Most annoying thing about being sick for me is not having appetite for food. It sucks when you are staring at all that food and you can't eat it.
    My Style Look Book Series

  4. Thank God you are feeling better now.
    For me, injection is bae and as much as I hate being sick I actually enjoy all the love and attention I get from family and friends. Most annoying thing about being sick for me is not having appetite for food. It sucks when you are staring at all that food and you can't eat it.
    My Style Look Book Series

  5. If there was anything slightly good about been sick, I would say it's having time off work. Ironically, o e is too sick to enjoy the day or days off. When I am sick, I tend to eat a lot. Which is weird but no one has t force me to eat anything. That's when I take juice, malt ,everything and anything especially if it's pneumonia or cold and I need fluids.
    My least favorite would be that tiredness and pain, people hovering and asks how you feel gosh I really dislike that and the sickness smell which I admit is probably imagined. Sometimes I clean the room, change the bedsheets etc just to rid myself of that lingering "sickness" feeling or smell.


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