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9 Chores : From Mundane to Therapeutic

To be honest, I never knew there was such a thing as therapeutic chores especially as I literally grew up hating the word 'chores' especially on Saturday mornings. Though, I used to go on and on to friends about how washing plates was therapeutic for me, made me feel better and cleared my head, I thought it was just one of those things plus I assumed it was so because my major chore as a child was washing plates. And then, one day, my head was really cleared to the extent that I had to search the internet for the term Therapeutic Chores and see if others could relate. I was expecting to get asked if I meant something else but no, I got a page full of websites talking about chores that were therapeutic.

I actually do not enjoy chores. I'd rather be doing something else. I found out that some people actually go about the house searching for things to clean but not me. Even after I drafted this post, I was in an unpleasant mood one day, needed to get out of it then I remembered the cleaning the house thingy. Trust me, I rolled my eyes still because sweeping, dusting and all that don't do it for me. This means therapeutic chores is relative because trust me, my eyes widened in amazement when I found out some people consider ironing a form of therapy for them. So, let's talk about these chores that may actually seem mundane but are actually therapeutic

1. Cooking : Does this even count as a chore? But if it does, Oh yes please. Especially when the kitchen is big, clean and super comfortable. And for me, a plus is when I know I'd be feeding someone else. I don't really enjoy cooking when I know I'd get to eat it alone. Weird but can anyone relate?

2. Laundry : This is majorly a chore for me in school and on a scale of 0-10,I find this therapeutic on a 5 which is really fair as I don't enjoy washing clothes at all. It's super stressful especially the rinsing part. I think the washing and scrubbing of the dirt away from the clothes is actually the therapeutic part of doing laundry.

3. Shopping : Not totally but I enjoy getting new things so yes, it has been quite therapeutic for me but can we just move to the part where I can buy everything and anything I want online? Yes please

4. Gardening : There's just something extremely calming about seeing the green of nature. I've never tried my hands on gardening before but I know first hand how satisfying admiring the beauty of nature can be especially when you're Walking Deliberately

5. Making your bed every morning : Honestly, I don't think this has been very therapeutic for me. Partly because I'd rather still be in bed and partly because I just don't pay attention. I'm not an early riser so most times, I just do it just for the sake of doing it.

6. Ironing : You find this therapeutic? Hey, superhuman! Ironing is like the worst chore ever for me. I actually dread ironing, it's not pleasant but I do and when I have money, I'd get myself an ironing machine first(if it exists) before a washing machine. I can remember something funny I did in secondary school. I was doing the resumption to boarding school routine at home and when it was time to iron, I desperately wanted someone to just help me out so I cooked up a lie to my parents about how I used to pay a classmate to iron my clothes for me in school when I actually never had to iron in school. Of course, I didn't get the sympathy I wanted. I got scolded and oh, I ironed all by myself in silence.

7. Sweeping : Not exactly my cup of tea but yes it is therapeutic. There's just something about making a place or a thing clean that detoxifies the mind so yes to this.

8. Decluttering : Definitely. Especially if it's someplace really familiar. Say for example, your wardrobe. Just rearranging the clothes does wonders to the mind. I do this every weekend but this doesn't mean I would come a day after and still meet it tidy. Your room in general, kitchen, bookshelf amongst many others. Declutter them!

9. Washing Plates : Last but of course not the least. In a super comfortable place with a wide sink and a pleasant smelling dishwash, I understand what therapeutic really means. I don't think I want to learn how to use a dishwasher. I don't think I want to ever get one. I might be back to edit this in years time but right now, dishwasher is a No.

Writing this was therapeutic even though I kept going back and forth in my head about completing it but here it is! I missed blogging soo much. Not just posting here but reading posts on other blogs. That's another level of therapy for me. School is super choking right now and exam period is almost here so I'm not promising I'd be back next week but I'd be back.

Here's a really helpful link that gives more information on the whole therapeutic chores notion. Check it out HERE. At long last, these chores are not new. It's just about setting our minds to getting something positive and calming from them.

What about you?
Which of those chores do you find therapeutic?
Any other chore not listed up there? I'd love to know. Myself and other readers might just find it therapeutic.
What chore did you ever fake sickness for just so you avoid it?
What other forms of therapy work for you? Sleeping, listening to music, reading, writing? Let me know please.

Reading comments is super therapeutic for me and I always want to hear from you. Kindly leave me your thoughts. xx


  1. All the best with school work dear.

  2. Nice article ��. Lol I'm just discovering there's something called "Therapeutic chores" . But yeah although I dislike washing plates , I've observed that it's when I usually reflect on my day , conversations I had with people etc . Sadly . None of that in school

  3. Writing and decluttering are very therapeutic for me.
    I am not a fan of washing. Not even loading the washing machine but when I start it can be therapeutic.
    Same with sweeping. Getting stuff clean can also be therapeutic.
    Ironing. NO lol. I try to get as many clothes as don't need ironing.
    I like cooking only because of the end product.
    Shopping. Once I get over initial laziness can be nice, I have never tried gardening. But I may like it.

  4. Cooking is the only form of chore that works for me. I hate every form of washing honestly. Decluttering can be therapeutic for me sometimes and you never know what good stuff you'll stumble on.

  5. Cooking and grocery shopping are 'chores' I find really enjoyable. Decluttering my wardrobe and home in general is also pretty therapeutic. Oh and I like spreading clothes on the line outside, I don't know why haha.

    Washing plates, sweeping and ironing are the chores I do not particularly exam. Good luck with your exams sweetie! xx
    Coco Bella Blog

  6. The only thing therapeutic for me on this list is laundry and maybe cleaning. I hate cooking and ironing is stress of life.


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