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A Retrospective Account of 2016!

I honestly entered this year with little/no dreams or aspirations. There were no 'this year, I must do this' talks. I was just normal. Nothing more, nothing less. Using my phone's gallery as a guide, I decided to break my 2016 down and lessons learnt. This post might be picture overload but I'd try to keep it short and simple.

No blog post from me because this blog didn't exist till sometime around 24th and I still wasn't sure. I wasn't particularly ecstatic about it because I made the mistake of wanting everything to be perfect not just before starting but even before telling anyone. I probably told just two people because I didn't want any external motivation which turned out well if you ask me. The highlight of the month for me apart from having a blog URL in my name was baking bread rolls for the first time.

 I had to resume school and that kinda put blog work on the back end but I still managed to publish my first post on the 21st! I can't even remember where I was or how I felt that day. Classes for me were really interesting. I guess the thrill of learning something entirely different was still there.
Food Commodities


Human Physiology

My archives show that I have 6 posts but it's technically 2. My First post and another post on Choosing Positivity

 My birth month, yo! Psst, I wasn't that excited. Check out My birthday  post if you need any more confirmation. I was slowly warming up to the blogger status in March or maybe not seeing as I published only one post that month. Bad bad blogger. Highlight of the month had to be the numerous cakes I got to eat.

 The 4th month of the year seems just like yesterday looking at the pictures. I had too many deep and emotional moments in April judging from my No day is normal post
and deep pictures like

I had many spontaneous moments too - learning lessons from a firefly I saw and jumping from my bed to make chinchin because of boredom and then getting tired/bored while at it that I ended up cutting them so big, they looked like chips. How hilarious. I also shared this health related post on On why you shouldn't rub your itchy eye. I didn't expect that post to have this many views! I guess that kind of encouraged me in this blogging business even though I still hadn't told most people.

 I regard this month as a really special one probably because the men in my life - dad and brother - were born in this month. When I was drafting this post, I was so sure that I had a couple of posts in May.  Imagine my surprise when I realized I posted just once! I'm a huge Sidney Sheldon fan so I had to write something on one of his books "If Tomorrow Comes"

 I fell sick during exams but thankfully it didn't affect my exams. Exams=Holiday. Holiday = Boredom. Boredom = Me starting skincare research + Joining Pinterest. On the blog front, there was a post on The Liebster Award.

 Mid year. This was when I started taking blogging serious. I was playing with apps, trying to get a blog header. I even had a customised picture for one of my posts.
I did a lot of stepping out of my comfort zone. I guess I had a "paradigm shift" this month seeing the number of things that went down.
- I entered for my very first essay competition. Topic was "Formal Education And The Nigerian Youth : Why is the street taking over?" Writing it was fun but looking for footnotes to attach wasn't. I made it to the next stage of the competition but I didn't win.
- I picked up a spelling competition form for myself. It later held in August. I scaled through the first two stages, made it to the finals and then there was this internal strike in school so the finals ain't holding anymore. Not too good but I made it! Who knows, I might have won. Hopefully
- I wrote my first post for Kamdora which I reblogged Here 2 months later. It felt so cool!
On the blog, I posted a Review of June, beauty hacks you might want to know, some midnight ramblings and a post on what to do when you go from 100-0 Consistency is truly king. I can remember how my page views went up this month.

This month had me realizing that if I don't want to be average, I have to learn to deal with criticism and stop hiding under the covers. On the blog, we had this post where I shared the pains of having long/big feet in Long/Big Feet Palava
and also my honest thoughts on the topic called fashion. You can read that up HERE

 I spent a lot of time on Pinterest looking for quotes describing my mood. Highlight of the month was joining Instagram. I know I'm still going to dedicate a post to my IG story. It has really helped to be honest with the telling people about the blog thingy. Yesss world, I have a blog and I want you to check it out! Follow me @Laitanbee. On the blog, there was the Wedding thrills post where I shared few things I was looking forward to on my wedding day , a post on Staying true to yourself, the Meat question post, a post where I shared A moment of excited curiosity and finally one on Reasons you might be breaking out

 I had to do a whole lot of self loving this month. There was this day I felt so alone and bored and I walked all the way to the junction of my street just to get junk food to raise my spirits. I started my phone vlogging too. Long story, how I started. If I ever have my YouTube channel, I'd share it. The first day, I recorded like 6 times! The posts for the month were a Review of September in the taking stock format, a post on Why you shouldn't look to others for validation. I shared life lessons from my Pancake fails, the reasons Why I love keeping my nails, and one on why you should Walk deliberately. I rounded off the month with this shocking post on the Abusive relationship I was in. Not anymore, thankfully.

 Nothing much went down in my personal life apart from being bombarded with tests. On the blog, I shared my Favorite movies of all time, lessons learnt from Joyce Meyer's The confident woman Too much information post even though readers said I didn't reveal much. Hehe

 Basically exams. 30 days gratitude challenge .
Had friends over for lunch to 'celebrate' a successful academic year. I won two giveaways. Whoop. Even though I suck at painting, I tried out a DIY two-toned nails and this came out.

I shared a  Review of November, quick Life update and my Top 5 favorite things about Christmas  which featured giveaways. Whoop.

Are you still here with me? Yaay, thanks. It's my last post for the year so permit how lengthy it is. It's been a wonderful blogging year. A wonderful wonderful one and I'm super excited for next year and also grateful for all the amazing people I've met so far. The blogosphere is such a wonderful place and I'm glad I belong here. Thanks to every single person that opened my blog, read my posts .I honestly did not think I'd have over 10k pageviews before the blog clocks one. What am I saying? I honestly did not see myself taking the blog this serious. So maybe when anyone complains about my stubbornness, I'd tell them I have something to show for it. Thanks for the wonderful comments too. They're super encouraging.

How was 2016 for you in one word? Mine was thrilling.
Where would you be spending New Year's Day? For me, church first then back home.
What would you like me to improve on in the coming year? Santa is still sharing gifts so if you want to get yours, you have to answer that question.
Most importantly, what are you most grateful for this year?
Kindly leave me your comments. I'd love to hear from you.
Have a wonderful 2017. Lots of love and kisses. xxxxxx

P.S : I'm kidding about the Santa thingy but seriously, what would you like to see more of and what area(s) would you want me to work on? I'm blogging for both of us so your opinions definitely count. xx


  1. 2016 in one word was Challenging, but to me that means I had to stand up to the task and prove that with God I deserve good things, I am really glad for everything that has happened and for all. My challenges and happy moments looking back am just thankful. While, reading this I remember when I was just a regular blog reader and used to just be reading all these posts. Lol. Best wishes dear, see you In 2017!!!

    1. I enjoyed reading
      this comment! Oh
      lol, I had just
      few moments of
      being just a
      blog reader but
      I do miss those
      days. Thanks
      Vincent. Have a
      great year!

  2. Great post Laitan, it was quite a year huh? Aw I was also born in March. The one thing I'm grateful for this year is that my family and I are alive. I've enjoyed reading your blog this year Laitan, here's to more beautiful content in 2017. Happy new year. xx

    1. Aww, what date?
      I'm super grateful
      for that too.
      Thank youu. That
      means a lot to me
      Happy New Year
      darling. xx

  3. Lovely post dear. 2016 was a great and quite eventful for us all. Looking forward to a better 2017. Happy new year in advance dear.
    My Style Look Book Series

    1. Thanks babe.
      Happy New Year
      😘😘. A better
      year, Amen

  4. Interesting review was looking for when we met lolz.
    Happy New Year everyone.

  5. What a review. I can only but hope and pray this year proves better than the last.
    Happy New Year darling!

    Funmi xx

    1. With God, it
      definitely would.
      Thanks for stopping
      over as always. Have
      a splendid year
      Funmi. xx

  6. Awesome post, I like your review of 2016!
    I wish you a wonderful 2017!! :)
    xo Alessia

    1. I wish you
      a wonderful one
      too. Thanks for

  7. 2016 was definitely an interesting year for me. I hope the year brings bigger and better things for you!


  8. A lot of interesting posts on your blog. I'll go through all of them soon. Haha. 2016 for me in two words was "discovering myself". Are you a medical student?

    1. Aww, thanks dear!
      I linked directly
      to them for you!
      I discovered myself
      too last year and I
      know I'd be doing
      more of it too
      this year. No, I'm
      not. I'm studying
      Nutrition and
      Dietetics. Have a
      great year. xx

  9. Quite a year!
    I wish mine was this interesting. My blogging wasnt so consistent but this year will be better!
    Cheers to a better 2017!

    1. Trust me, mine
      wasn't so consistent
      either. We'd
      swing it hopefully.
      Have a great year
      Tinuke and
      please come around
      again. xx

  10. Hey love, happy new year. Couldn't find d subsribe icon, lovely blog by d way �� ur 2016 was quite eventful, asyds finishing nysc in april i think d rest of d months just went by d same ol' way, maybe things will change dis 2017.

    1. Yaay, you came over
      Thanks dear.
      Oh, my subscription
      tab has some
      issues. Currently
      trying to fix it.
      2017 will def be
      better. xx

  11. Have a successful 2017! Happy new year.

  12. Nice post Ola, 2017 will surely be greater for you. Congrats on your blogging journey and self-discovery. Nothing beats being passionate with what you do.


  13. Lovely and well written post. Wishing you a beautiful and fruitful 2017

  14. I love the way you recalled your experience month by month. 2016 was a very revealing year for me. It had its ups and downs but I'm thankful i came out stronger and better.

  15. Enjoyed reading, love how you summarised your year month by month. 2016, I have no words for it, I'm just glad my family and are Alive and healthy. It will only get better this 2017 and I wish you the very best in life and blogging.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

  16. 2016 was a year of learning from me. I learnt new thins about myself, people around me, my career and blogging too. And yes consistency is really key in the blogging game. Glad you grew out of your share and are now able to publicize your blog because really networkinng keeps us going in this business.

    Princess Audu

  17. I love you year review, and the way you wrote it made it even more enjoyable to read. Your August lesson spoke to me the most. I still haven't shared my blog with mot of my family and close friends. I also really enjoyed your post "Joyce Meyer: The Confident Woman".
    I wish you all the best for 2017 Olaa. :)
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  18. Happy new year to you dear.
    I also had a lot of lessons to learn from 2016.
    Making sure no mistake is repeated.


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